Peter shor quantum error correction
Peter shor quantum error correction

#Peter shor quantum error correction code

This paper will discuss a new system design for the quantum error correction code which is nine-qubit codes. However, in quantum states, it is impossible to use the redundancy scheme due to the “no-cloning” theorem. Later, when there is a noisy error in the information, it will be corrected simply by taking a majority. It is the simplest way of error correcting in which firstly, it will copy the information to be preserved. In classical computation, the corrupted information can be corrected by a redundancy scheme. After that, a wider class of quantum error corrections has been discovered. Shor has proposed a method of using the entanglement of nine qubits’ code to keep the information to correct the quantum error. The first quantum error-correcting code was proposed by Peter Williston Shor. Quantum error correction, on the contrary, protects a qubit of information from errors that might be caused by decoherence and other quantum noise in quantum computation and communication. Hence, the purpose of quantum computing is to control the complexity by performing certain calculations much faster than any normal computer ever could.Ī quantum channel is a channel that transmits quantum information in quantum bits or qubits. It is a very big number of particles and gives a sense of enormous complexity that can be found in the quantum area. For example, if there are 300 qubits, it would need 2300. In the quantum case, the superposition of the 2 n possible states must be specified. In general, one qubit can be represented as α|0) + β|1) in the Hilbert space and can be used to carry the information. Meanwhile, in quantum computing, the information is stored into quantum bits or qubits and being transferred as either 0, 1, or in a superposition state which is 0 and 1 at the same time. In a normal computer, the information is encoded into bits and being transferred as either 0 or 1. The theory of error correction was developed to correct classical coding for noisy channels. QEC is considered the backbone of quantum information processing since it converts an unmanageable continuum of errors into a manageable discrete set.

peter shor quantum error correction

A handful of people, starting in the 1980s, began to ask if a computer operating according to the laws of quantum mechanics might be more powerful than ordinary classical computers, which obey classical laws. The idea of quantum error correction (QEC) was driven by the explosion of interest in quantum computers. It is in a quantum superposition of being left and right. Because it is a quantum object, it can belong to both. An electron in the molecule could belong to the left proton or the right proton. A simple example of this principle is a hydrogen molecule with only one electron. One of the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics is that it is possible to create superpositions of different physical configurations. Quantum computers can be used to solve problems with high difficulties which cannot be solved by normal computers. Quantum computing is a development of computer technology that is based on the theory of quantum which is quantum mechanics.

peter shor quantum error correction

For comparison, a modified circuit is also designed by adding Hadamard gates. The systems were designed and configured for encoding and decoding nine-qubit error correction codes. Three designs used qubit codes, and nine-qubit codes were explained. In this paper, the digital system design of the quantum error correction code is discussed. Hence, a quantum error correction code is needed to protect the qubit from errors that can be caused by decoherence and other quantum noise. The interruption made by the interaction makes transmission error during the quantum channel qubit. Quantum error correction is a hybrid between quantum mechanics and the classical theory of error-correcting codes that are concerned with the fundamental problem of communication, and/or information storage, in the presence of noise. It is an advanced technology, yet the quantum channel is used to transmit the quantum information which is sensitive to the environment interaction. Quantum computing is a computer development technology that uses quantum mechanics to perform the operations of data and information.

Peter shor quantum error correction